วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Fix the Xbox 360 Red Ring

What is the best way to Fix the Xbox 360 red ring? Is it wrapping it in a
towel? Or is it sending it off to Microsoft to have it fixed and returned?
The answer is neither.

First i'll explain why none of the mentioned fixes are a good option.

1. The towel method: The reason a towel is considered a suitable fix is
because it can overheat the console until the system automatically resets
itself. It simply involved wrapping your Xbox in a towel until it
overheats. This is clearly not a wise idea and by doing so you are
increasingly the chances of the problem resurfacing.

2. Sending your Xbox 360 back to Microsoft: There is always the option of
sending your system back to Microsoft for it to be repaired. The problem
with this is that Microsoft generally take several months to repair your
machine, leaving you without being able to play your favorite games for
several months. The second problem with this is that if your system is
older than a few years you will be charged several hundred dollars for the
repair. So this is probably something you don't really want to do.

So what is the best repair?

By far the most superior way to fix your Xbox 360 is by ditching the towel
and cutting Microsoft out of the picture by doing it yourself. This may
sound complicated but it really isn't. Using an Xbox 360 red ring repair
kit will both save you time, money and the longevity of your system. The
fixes can easily and quickly be purchased online and are usually extremely
cheap with most systems being fixed and ready in less than an hour.

