So there you are, 10 minutes from finally beating Halo 3, when all of a
sudden your graphics start to glitch, your sound starts cutting in and out
and then - nothing. A black screen showing only the characters E74 fills
your screen, and a single red light gleams ominously from your Xbox 360
console. If your hands are currently shaking as you remember a similar
situation happening to you recently, fear not - for you were not alone.
But what is the best xbox 360 e74 error repair?
This occurrence has devastated hundreds of Xbox 360 gamers over the last
couple of months leaving many search frantically for an xbox 360 e74 error
repair. Many Xbox 360 owners fear that this is going to be the new Red
Ring of Death, while others stand resolute in their claims that the E74
error is simply the Red Ring of Death presenting with different symptoms.
Thankfully, there are a couple of different routes you can take to fix
this frustrating error. Oddly enough, these solutions may bring about a
sense of déjà vu for many of the Xbox fans who suffered from the effects
of the Red Ring of Death.
One thing you can do is send the entire console off to Microsoft. In the
last month or so, Microsoft has agreed to cover all Xbox 360 consoles that
present with the E74 error under their three-year warranty. There are two
downsides to having Microsoft fix this problem for you. The first is that
you have to pay for shipping, which can get expensive (especially when
Microsoft doesn't fix the problem the first time around).The second is
that Microsoft tends to replace the damaged parts with the exact same
models as were previously there. This means that there's a very good
chance you will have the same problem later on down the road.
The only other solution for the xbox 360 e74 error repair is to fix the
problem yourself. There are many repair guides available online that will
explain step by step how to fix this with parts available for order
online. The one downside to this is that by opening up your Xbox 360
console, you automatically void your warranty through Microsoft. For those
whose warranty has already expired, this is going to be the easiest,
cheapest and fastest ways to get your Xbox 360 fixed.