popularity is the intensity that it presents for its players. Patience,
strategy and free time to move forward through the numerous levels that
occupy the game are required to win. However, there are ways that you can
efficiently trim back the time it takes you to progress to level 80.
Choosing Alliance instead of the Horde is purely preferential, but the
objective of reaching level 80 ASAP is of course unanimous among World Of
Worcraft players. The following strategies will indeed help you eliminate
the time issue.
Acknowledging that downtime is your greatest foe must be your first step.
Waiting passively for things like manna or health to accrue cannot be
permitted. There is also no logical reason for you to run from grave to
grave attempting to collect gold because this just increases the down
time. Reducing your down time as much as possible by killing off anything
you can that is less powerful than your character...is highly effective.
Making these small gains by killing whatever you can conveniently instead
of passively waiting for larger, more valuable kills has a compounding
effect that will astonish you.
Accepting quests is essential in Warcrafte if you really want to Power
Level. Your only two choices for getting ahead in levels are to kill and
grind... or accept quests. It's relatively uncommon, but there are some
quest opportunities that demand you to both kill and grind. Accepting
these quests can be a windfall if you're smart, because of the extra
rewards of cash or EXP for example. Always be alert for characters with
yellow exclamation points above their heads because they definitely offer
you quest opportunities. Finally, completing quests that are two or three
levels under your current location instead of those above you, may seem
contrarian, but is very effective. You'll garner smaller amounts of EXP
for each kill, but the compounding effect as described above when killing
weaker characters, is truly amazing to see.
Related to performing quests is the idea of multi-tasking at any potential
opportunity. Since the degree of difficulty intensifies as you perform
more quests and move up in levels, the time issue becomes crucial. Being
too methodical and careful by moving one step at a time is a trap all too
easy to fall into. If you want to advance through the levels much more
quickly it's important you perform more than one quest at a time. Indeed,
it's very possible to radically trim your overall time in World of
Worcraft by not only taking on quests, but taking on multiple quests at a
Pursing these strategies should help you immensely in your power leveling
efforts. Including them in your arsenal will surely aid you in conquering
the Warcraft time hurdle.